Finishing his coach training at a breakneck speed, he managed to acquire his coach certification in record time. He returned back to Singapore and founded Executive Coach International (ECI) in 2004. In the following year, he acquired his Master Certified Coach credential from the International Coach Federation (ICF) – the first person in South East Asia to do so.
In 2010, Executive Coach International was awarded the Accredited Coach Training Program (ACTP) from the ICF. This certificate recognizes ECI worldwide as a coaching organization which adheres to the highest professional standards in coach training. Coaches trained under ECI will have their coach training recognized internationally by the ICF.
We constantly innovate our coaching technology and refine our programs to ensure excellent success rates, and that students are equipped with the latest advancements in coaching.
We empower and enable our student and graduate coaches to become compelling and respected human catalysts in their professional and personal lives.