
ECI Evolvement #6

A very warm welcome to ECI’s 6th Evolvement article! Every two weeks, our post will bring you the top coaching and personal development tips and stories around the world. Read on for regular personal insights into evolving your life!

Tips for Coaching Someone Remotely – Harvard Business Review

Leaders are providing less explicit direction to their employees these days, and relying more on coaching as a leadership tool, as organizations become flatter and more dependent on knowledge work. Discover the technique to coach remotely.

21 Thought-Provoking Questions to Ask Ourselves – PsychCentral

Here are 21 questions from the book to help you spark self-discovery. (You also can pose these fascinating questions to others.)

Coaching and Managing 5 Types of Clients

What are some of the kinds of typical clients that a coach can encounter? What their general characteristics, common issues and what kinds of outcomes do they tend to look for? Find out here.

How To Break Bad Habits – Collective Evolution

At some point in our lives we’ve all have habits or tendencies that we wanted to move beyond or grow out of, but oftentimes we don’t have the knowhow, or even the awareness, to actually break free of them. Find out how here.

Stepping into Your Personal Power

Power often is defined as the ability to influence others. However, at the end of the day, there is really only one person to master control over: the Self. To have control over oneself is a seemingly simple task but this is where the real challenge lies. Find out how to step into your personal power here.
