
ECI Evolvement #2

A very warm welcome to ECI’s 2nd Evolvement article! Every two weeks, our post will bring you the top coaching and personal development tips and stories around the world. Read on for regular personal insights into evolving your life!

How To Talk About Coaching To Your Boss

You may have read or heard about the benefits of coaching, but here you are, in a workplace that hasn’t quite caught on with the coaching culture… Asking to be coached indicates a genuine desire to improve yourself as a contribution to your company. So how can you make coaching available to you and your colleagues, within your organization? Find out more here.

Viewing Job Search as Opportunity Improves Success – By PsychCentral

For many, a New Year’s resolution involves finding a different career path. While searching for a job usually is not seen as exciting, new research finds that those who can look at the process as a self-growth opportunity will have more success finding their dream jobs. Click here to view the rest of the article.

Coaching vs Mentoring – By International Coaching News

Since the concepts of formalised or supported coaching and mentoring in the world of work emerged some 30 years ago, there has been a continuous and sometimes confusing journey of evolution – both for coaching and mentoring and those of us who practice and/or research in the field. Find out more about the difference between coaching and mentoring here.

Beyond Happiness: The Upside of Feeling Down – By Psychology Today
No one questions the value of feeling good. Feeling bad is another matter entirely. Emotions that generate unpleasant feelings have been called sins (wrath, envy), shunned in polite interaction (jealousy, frustration), or identified as unhealthy (sadness, shame). We suppress them, medicate them, and berate ourselves for feeling them. What is the upside of feeling down then? Find out more here.

 How To Leave A Lasting Impression

Remember the last networking event you attended or job interview you went through?  How much you wished that you were that piece of chocolate in the golden wrapper – knowing exactly what to talk about, which kind of tone, vocabulary or topic to use, in a word so as to leave a lasting impression? How can we leave a lasting impression that is graceful and tasteful? Read on to find out our “secret sauce recipe.